Aim : To evaluate the operation and prognosis of brain abscesses basal ganglia with cerebral herniation.
目的: 探讨基底节区脑脓肿并发脑疝手术治疗的方法及预后.
互联网Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem.
此病变多位于基底节 、 白质深部 、 脑干.
互联网Objective A porcine model with basal ganglia hemorrhage has been established and evaluated.
互联网Other rare complications include premature cataracts, pseudotumor cerebri, and calcifications of the basal ganglia.
其它少见的并发症包孕早发的老年性白内障 、 脑假瘤 、 基底神经节钙化.
互联网Results: This disease always occur in the basal ganglia, most cases have a good recovery.
结果: 小儿外伤性脑梗塞多发生于一侧基底节区,少数发生大面积梗塞,腔隙性梗塞者治疗效果 、 后好,大面积梗塞者预后差.
互联网Basal ganglia calcification is calcium deposits occurring in the bilateral basal ganglia in the brain.
互联网Objective To investigate the relationship between basal ganglia calcification and acute hemiplegia syndrome ( AHS ) in infants.
目的 探讨基底节钙化(BGC)与小儿急性偏瘫综合征 ( AHS ) 发病的关系.
互联网Objective : To study the MRI findings of germinomas arising from the basal ganglia and thalamus.
目的: 研究丘脑和基底节区生殖细胞瘤的MR影像特征.
互联网PET showed the low metabolism in the basal ganglia region of the injected side.
互联网Functions of central motor structures including cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex considered.
运动中枢结构的功能包括小脑 、 基底神经节和大脑皮层.
互联网Objective: To improve the CT diagnostic level of bilateral symmetric hypodense lesions basal ganglia.
目的: 为提高两侧脑基底节区对称性低密度病变的CT诊断水平.
互联网The ventromedial prefrontal cortex has a close connection with basal ganglia structures, in particular the striatum.
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